I am having a hard time, especially with this new heat wave that has hit this week, wrapping my mind around the fact that it is already time to start planning fall sessions (and some of you are way ahead of the game and have already checked that little “to-do” item off of your list – very impressive!). Where has the first part of 2013 gone?!? Weren’t we JUST ringing in the new year?
As most of you know, we are thrilled to be welcoming our 3rd baby into our family in December. Because of this, I will be taking on limited sessions this fall to ensure that I can keep up with the shooting, editing and the late nights that come with the busy fall photography season (and, hopefully, also see to it that my Christmas shopping is done before the last minute this year since I don’t foresee late night Target trips being very feasible in the couple of days leading up to Christmas.;)
That being said, I wanted to go ahead and fully open up my fall calendar. This is my favorite time of year because it means I get to reconnect with so many of you and I ALWAYS love catching up with each and every one of your amazing families. Thank you, as always, for trusting me with your precious family memories!
July – completely booked…
August – two full sessions available, two mini sessions available (evening of August 11th in Roswell)
September – six full sessions available
October – three full sessions available, seven mini sessions available (Sunday, October 20th location TBD and another date TBD)
November – reserved for all of my First Year Families to ensure we get milestone shoots in before I head off to maternity leave…
December – maternity leave
If you would like to schedule a session, either shoot me an e-mail using the contact form above or feel free to send me an e-mail at elizabeth@elizabethblankphotography.com. I can’t wait to see you all in the coming months!
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