I got to hang out with 7 day young Miss Ashlynn last week. To say I was smitten is an understatement. She is a-dor-able! Ashlynn belongs to the M family who was one of the very first families I photographed when I started Elizabeth Blank Photography. It was an absolute delight to see their family […]

To say this couple was laid-back and go with the flow would be an understatement! They were so much fun to shoot! Our first scheduled session was rained out, but when I met up with them they said they had wanted to get together in the rain because they thought that would have been fun! […]

There are two people who I give almost all credit to when it comes to who was responsible for igniting the “photography spark” inside of me and teaching me the ropes of photography (hi, Jody & Lori!).  Jody and Lori started Click Workshops back in January, 2010. I took their very first workshop and that […]

I want to post a quick update in regards to my schedule for the remainder of the year. I’ve got just a couple of openings left for full portrait sessions this year… July – booked! August – booked! September – one portrait session available & fall mini-sessions (September 24th) October – one portrait session available […]

Ahh! I’m so behind on blogging. However, one of my MANY goals for the upcoming week is to get caught up in the blogosphere. Vacations are so wonderful, but sometimes make me feel even more overwhelmed when I return! To start off the “week ‘o blogging”, I wanted to go ahead and post my latest […]

Lauren is the epitome of a glowing mother-to-be, dontcha agree?! I was so thrilled to be able to meet up with her while she was in town visiting her family and friends. It was soo stinkin’ hot the morning of our session and Lauren was a super-trooper. She just went with the flow never mentioning […]